Tonight, with flurries floating about the back patio, we figured it was a good night for a barbecue. (If you’ve never barbecued in the snow, you’ve got to try it. Pretty cool.) But I still hadn’t done my workout. I had originally intended to do some barbell cleans, kettlebell swings and ring dips. But I never even pulled the car out of the garage today (rendering my equipment inaccessible). The beautiful thing about kettlebells and bodyweight workouts is that you can do them just about anywhere…including inside your home on a snowy day.
Back to our story. I hadn’t done any kettlebell snatches in almost two weeks, so I thought I’d hit those along with some kettlebell swings: some great grip and posterior chain work that would put some demands on my heart, which I needed.
10 Snatches Left
10 Snatches Right
20 Swings
9 Snatches Left
9 Snatches Right
18 Swings
And so on…all the way to 1 Snatch and 2 Swings.
You can see that I build in some psychological reprieve by making each round shorter than the last.
So I fired up barbecue, then did the first three rounds. Quickly threw the pork chops on the grill, then did three more rounds. Turned the steaks, did the last five quick rounds. Pulled the steaks off the grill and let the steaks rest while I did. After a few minutes to catch my breath and cool off, it was dinnertime.
So if you think you don’t have time to work out, be encouraged. I got a good workout while my chops were cooking! So can you.