DIY: Tissue Pom Pom Decoration Tutorial


It’s DIY FRI. again, where every Friday I try to post something you can do yourself rather than buy, which is a money saver, and can be VERY REWARDING.  Some of these posts are crafts, sewing projects, homemade cleaners, homemade health aids, tutorials, and the like.
This is part of Joshua's mobile in his room.
Tomorrow is my Ellie girl’s 7th birthday.  She m ade me a mommy 7 years ago; I can’t believe it!  We have some pink and white tissue pom poms in her and Abbie’s room and blue and white ones in Joshua’s room, but I really wanted to make some more so it would feel more party”ish” around the house this week.

Easy Tissue Pom Pom Ball Decoration Tutorial Instructions

What You’ll Need:

  • 8-10 pieces of tissue paper (if you have used tissue paper from previous gifts you can repurpose the tissue even if it is a little bit wrinkled)
  • string, fishing line, or ribbon to string up the ball
  • scissors

The Instructions:

Can you tell this was brand new tissue paper? Well, it was, but it ended up on our garage floor. Not good, but the paper will still work. Depending on what size ball you want, leave it this size or cut it in half.


  • We cut our paper in half to make 10 pieces of tissue paper total, stacked.  Since we cut it, the pom pom will be smaller, about 8′ in diameter.
  • Line up the paper, and start to fold like an accordion.
    Here is the finished accordion.
    Tie a ribbon securely around the middle of the accordion.
    Here is my lovely assistant, Abigail.
    You can round each side with scissors, or cut to a point. We rounded the edges on this one, and the tissue was too thick, so I cut through a few layers at a time.
    Here are the rounded edges evened out.
    Open up the accordion as far as you can.
    Start pulling the tissue away from the center gently.
    Alternate pulling from one side, and then the other. Don't worry if it rips, as it's easy to hide.
    Fluff as needed. The finished project!

    Ellie has loved having these up all week for her birthday week.  I do too, since it adds a feeling of festivity to our house.  It’s always a let down when you have decor up for just one day.  We are excited to celebrate her 7 years of life on this earth.  I don’t know who is more excited, Ellie or Abbie, since Abbie will get to have cake, too!

    What projects are you currently working on?  Have you tried to make your own book markers?

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    Shared @ Inspire Me Fridays, Friday Free-for-All, Friday Favorites, Frugal Friday, Somewhat Simple Blog Link, Lovely, Crafty Weekend, Happy Hour Friday, Simply Link Party Friday, Show & Share Wednesday, Teach Me Tuesdays,Tutorial Tuesday, Take It On Tuesday, Talent Show Tuesday, The Sunday Showcase, Saturday Night Special, Tuesday Time Out, Tuesday Talent Show, Crumbs and Chaos, Sundae Scoop, Sew Darn CraftyStrut Your Stuff, Weekend Wrap Up, SNS, Whatcha Got Weekend, OPAAT, Tip Me Tuesday, Your Whims Wednesday, Wow Me Wednesday, Wow Us Wednesday, Welcome Home, Works for Me Wednesday, Frugal Days, Sustainable Ways, 36th Ave., Simple Lives Thursday, Thrifty Thursday, DIY Thrifty Thursday, and  Show and Share Saturday.

    By Sonja

    Sonja is a lover of the Lord, family, and friends. She digs DIY (especially re-purposing), fancies fitness, foods (whole), & fellowship. She is a thrifty thinker and jives with jazz. “Moreover, it is required of stewards that they be found faithful” (1 Corinthians 4:2 ESV). Thanks for visiting!


    1. Hi there, Great tutorial. I have made these for my daughter recently and she loves them. It’s quite funny actually that everyone who comes to my house sees them and when I tell them they cannot believe that I made them and that the are made from tissue paper, everyone is always so impressed. I made one with my sister last weekend just to show her how easy they were and she was amazed. They are so easy yet looks so fantastic. Just saw you on Sew Many Ways Linky Party and thought I would stop by and say hello. Hope you can visit my blog back sometime soon 🙂

    2. I’ve always wondered how to make these, great tutorial! Thanks for linking up at DIY Thrifty Thursday….you’ve been featured! Stop by and grab an “I was featured” button and link up any other fabulous projects you have!

      Hope to see you there! Michelle @

      1. Hi Pamela, I have blue and white pom poms in my son’s room (he’ll be three and the end of June) right above his bed. I love looking at them. They make me smile. Have a blessed day!

    3. So cute! My daughter is using the same method to do tissue paper flowers for her school sale project. Found you from Frugal Friday.

    4. As a preschool teacher, sometimes we forget little “fun” things we did as a child. Thanks for the reminder, I always loved these and little fingers love making them. With mom’s fave perfume, scent etc., these are the perfect flowers. : )

    5. I’m so happy to have found you through Crumbs and Chaos! I’ve wanted to learn how to make these and your tutorial is perfect! Also, I have three nieces and two of them are named Abigail and Ellie!! 🙂 Have a great week!

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