Monday (4/23)
- Kettlebell Clean and Presses (53# KB): 4 rounds, 4 ladders (40 total reps)
- Kettlebell Swings (70# KB): roll two dice for minutes (11 minutes), Tabata protocol
So that all means that I started the morning by doing a bunch of clean and presses. I set the timer for two minutes between ladders as my rest time. It was sufficient but also helped me to move things along.
When it came to the swings I would work for 20 seconds then take 10 seconds’ rest. I tried to get 10 reps in per (30-second) round, working out two 20 reps per minute. I had to take two breaks (at rounds 14 and 19) but still ended up doing 200 swings in 11 minutes, so that was good.
The Tabata interval of 20 on/10 off is great for building stamina. It’s taxing on the heart and lungs but the 10 seconds’ rest is long enough to allow for sufficient recovery to keep going at a high level.
Tuesday (4/24)
- 185# Bench press: 2-2-2-2-1
- Ring Dips: 5-7-7-7-7
I was training with a friend, so I was doing some teaching and trying to stay fresh (while getting stronger, I’d hope). It was a good change of pace, though the bench felt a bit weak. I had a bit of soreness on the outside of the pecs/front of the shoulders…but by contrast my buddy said he was “dying” two days later. Guess I should be thankful.
Wednesday (4/25)
Kettlebell Snatches (53# KB): 4 minutes.
I was trying to get 100 reps in 4 minutes, but I planned poorly on my resting, and ended up needing 4:03 to get my 100 reps in. All told, that’s pretty good for me. Some time back, my goal was to complete 100 snatches in 5 minutes, and now I’m shooting for four minutes. I was close.
Not a bad day when my planned “workout” was done in 4:03. Usually there’s a directly inverse relationship between duration and intensity of workouts: the shorter they are, the harder.
Thursday (4/26)
Nada. I didn’t even have time to do my usual stretching. Lots of meetings and such.
Friday (4/27)
Six Rounds:
- Turkish Get-ups: 3 reps
- Pull-ups: 7 reps
This one was a real grind. I know it’s hard when I’m looking forward to the pull-ups. They were far easier than the TGU’s. Felt good afterward, though. The shoulders were pretty tired, and it was a great head-to-toe strength workout.