This is one installment in a series of workouts that form the nucleus of my exercise regimen. Almost any workout that I do is some variation on a workout in this series. The list includes a blend of strength conditioning and metabolic resistance training utilizing intervals or strategic rests. They are in keeping with my personal fitness goals which may be different from yours, so modify or tweak or disregard them altogether. And as always feel free to leave a comment or question below!
The Workout
Ten-minute countdown: 20 kettlebell swings
How I Do It
I warm up with some pushups, jumping jacks, and deep squats. Once loose, I use a 70# bell. That’s the perfect weight for me. 53# is downright easy, but 70# is hard. With 80# I couldn’t complete it as written. That’s me. Everyone is different.
Remember that when I say “countdown,” that refers to the “on-the-minute” protocol. That is, I do twenty kettlebell swings every minute, on the minute for ten minutes.
As with any workout, scaled appropriately, this one is really tough. As I mentioned above, a 70# KB is perfect for me. This is cool, because when I started swinging my 70# bell, five rounds of fifteen reps was tough. So, seeing progress in this is encouraging.
How about you? Have you experimented enough to know where your limits are? Why not try to push them a bit this week? You’ll be glad next week that you did.
Do you like swings? Did you try The Manmaker yet?