Easy Homemade Lavender Sachets
DIY Time
It’s DIY Time again, where I post something you can do yourself rather than buy, which is a money saver, and can be just plain fun! Some of these posts are crafts, sewing projects, re-purposed ideas, homemade cleaners, homemade health aids, tutorials, and the like.
If you have followed our blog here for long, you may notice that most of the tutorials are of the super simple kind. The kind that don’t take very long, or the tutorials re-purpose something, so half the work is done for you. Today I am sharing a Homemade Lavender Sachet Tutorial. This might be the wrong time of year to share it here in Western Washington because we don’t have lavender in bloom here yet, but this might get you thinking to save some of your lavender buds for this tutorial.
I kept lavender buds from the 2012 season and just stored them in a cool, dry container. At Christmastime when I pulled out the lavender to make this tutorial, I was surprised at how fragrant the lavender still was, months later. In fact, I have a lavender sachet that was given to me 8 years ago, and it has retained a robust fragrance.
This tutorial uses such little fabric that it is quite easy to re-purpose other materials for this tutorial. The pink fabric was new, but the off-white material was from an old pillowcase, and the purple print was from a hand-me-down dress that my girls both wore and got stained.
What you will need for one sachet:
- two equal-sized fabric squares (3 to 5 inches or your desired size)-my squares are 3 inches which makes a pretty small sachet
- coordinating thread
- sewing scissors
- sewing machine
- dried lavender buds
- funnel, optional
The Directions:
- Cut out two equal-sized squares. You could also experiment with different shapes that are mirrors of each other-my friends gave me a heart-shaped sachet.
- Put right sides of the fabric together, and sew on the wrong side with a 1/4 inch seem allowance along the perimeter. Leave a hole that is about 2 inches. Refer to the above collage with the square that has an arrow saying “start” at the top to see where to start sewing, and where to leave the hole.
- Turn the square inside out so the right sides are on the outside.
- Fill the fabric square with the dried lavender. You can use a funnel if that will make the process easier for you. If you want to sew a little dimple in the middle of your square, don’t completely stuff your square with lavender so the square has a little give.
- Tuck the raw edges of the fabric in, and sew the hole closed. Optional, you can sew close to the edge around the perimeter of the square to give your sachet a nice, finished look.
- Optional, sew a little dimple in the middle of your sachet by sewing in the same place over and over. Hand sewing this might be easiest depending on how big your sachet is. I used my sewing machine to make the dimple since I made small sachets.
Have you made your own lavender oil before?
How about making your own lavender wands?
I have a lot of lavender left over from my brother’s wedding (they had their guests toss lavender rather than rice). I filled the bags for them and have the extra sitting in my garage. I should make a few of these with it and give it to the bride as a gift. Thanks for the idea.
Hi Lauren. Great idea to throw lavender at the wedding! Those would be great gifts, and thanks for sharing!
Visiting from Monday Funday. I’d like to invite you to my Friday Flash Blog, where you can share your best blog entry of the week! The party goes on ALL weekend at thejennyevolution.com. And who knows, you may just get featured next week.
Jennifer thejennyevolution.com
Great idea!