Cranberry Ginger Detox Smoothie
So during the Christmas season I promised I wasn’t going to share another cranberry recipe until this year. In fact, in this Crock-pot Cranberry Spiced Cider post I said I would wait about 10 months until the next holiday season to post another cranberry recipe. I was wrong! So now I come to you humbly (head down in shame). I confess. Now I am a liar. Please forgive me. But I just couldn’t wait. You see, my friend gave me a couple of containers of fresh organic cranberries (thanks Agi), and I had to use them ASAP. I made three of these smoothies last week.
Up until this point I had never thought about using fresh cranberries in a smoothie. Seriously, with 52 other different whole food smoothies you think that at least one of the smoothies might have some of these super berries. Well not a one did, so it was indeed time.
Ginger make this Cranberry Ginger Smoothie a little edgy, and the cinnamon…. Well, the cinnamon is the secret ingredient! And not because it’s good for the blood sugar…although that is true, too. The cinnamon flavor makes this smoothie. Present, yet not overwhelming. Warming, yet cooling in the smoothie. Don’t ask me to explain, just try it yourself. And the cranberries not only give this smoothie a gorgeous color, but cranberries are a super foods, packed with antioxidants (fresh having the most antioxidants [source]) and containing a plethora of flavanoids that help to prevent cancer and heart disease (source). Some bad bacterias even adhere to cranberries and flush out of your system.
Along with the edge ginger brings to the smoothie, it also has wonderful anti-inflammatory properties helping with muscle soreness and reducing pain including that which stems from migraines. Ginger also has anti-cancer properties, works well for fighting nausea, and has many other benefits (source). I include ginger in almost every smoothie I make these days.
I’ve made the smoothie with and without the orange. The orange makes it a bit sweeter. And cranberries, orange, cinnamon and ginger are a perfect quartet. I don’t think this smoothie needs more sweetening (that’s why the bananas are there~and to thicken it a bit), but you may want to add a bit more sweetness like some dates or honey. Just not refined sugar, okay? That’s what we are trying to avoid. Also, the pictured smoothie has 1/4 cup of spinach. Feel free to add more spinach~it just might make the color unattractive, but it will still taste fab!
Bring on the cranberries and ginger!
Cranberry Ginger Detox Smoothie
- 1 1/2 cups fresh cranberries
- 2-3 bananas
- 1/2 cup water or almond milk
- optional 1/4 cup spinach
- optional 1 orange
- 1/2 inch fresh ginger
- 1/2 t cinnamon
- 1/8 t cloves
- 1-2 cups ice
Place all ingredients in a blender.
Blend until smooth, and serve immediately.
Looking for more whole foods smoothie inspiration?
This is a great recipe!
Thanks, Jillian! We love it.
Oh Sonya I’ll have to try this! Loving everything in it!
Hi Serena. I hope you enjoy! We especially love the cinnamon!! Thanks for visiting!