Questions Worth Asking #10: Speaking the Faith

The last time you had a chance to direct a conversation, what did you discuss?

It’s a human phenomenon: We talk about the things we love. Sports teams, hobbies, foods, books, movies, work, religion. When given the opportunity to direct the conversation, where do you take it? This speaks clearly to your loves.

Oxford’s Holy Club understood well the importance of Christians speaking about their faith, and it shows up in their list of devotional questions, namely, number 10:

When did I last speak to someone else about my faith?

Now, at first glance, one may suppose that this is referring to evangelism: sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with non-Christians. But it’s actually broader than that.

Since the first century, the Church’s growth has been linked to the preaching of the word and the testimony of the saints. Christians’ bearing up under trials (whether normal trials of life or extreme persecution) has afforded them an opportunity to TELL others about their faith in Christ.

Further, the Church is strengthened and grown by many means of grace, many of which require that we talk to others about our faith in Christ.

  • Christians are to speak to one another in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs (Ephesians 5:19, Colossians 3:16).
  • We are to encourage each other (Hebrews 10:25).
  • We are to speak truth to one another (Ephesians 4:15).
  • The body of Christ (the Church) is to build itself up in love (Ephesians 4).

Admittedly, Christians often are difficult to identify because we sin, too. And it is often easier to discuss our faith with one another than with those who hate it, as with other loves and passions. Lord of the Rings and Star Wars fanatics prefer to discuss their passions with one another more than with fantasy fiction haters, right? It’s similar with religious faith. Further, I would not argue that the faithful only ever talk about Christ and never talk about the world and gifts He’s created. That’s not my point or, I suspect, the Holy Club’s assumption.

In brief, the concept is simple: If you love Christ, you’ll talk about Him…at least some of the time, with someone. Conversely, if you profess to be a Christian, but you have no interest in talking about the faith or have no affection for Christ, that’s sort of like a fish not liking water. Adoring Christ and ascribing glory to him with words and behavior is the water in which Christians swim.

A lack of interest or even a flat refusal to talk about Christ with anyone requires a Christian’s repentance. How are you doing in speaking the faith?

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  1. I totally agree! we talk about what we love! i often get flack,because i always talk about The Lord! thank you for your blog and posts. May God bless your ministry!

  2. Wonderful post! I agree, if it’s a basic part of your life it becomes a basic part of your conversations, too.

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