Carrot Mango Smoothie

Have you ever put carrots and mangoes together?  How about putting carrots and mangoes together in a smoothie? Since we got the Vitamix in January, we have bought a two 25 pound bag of carrots.  The first bag was much easier to go through then the one we have now.  Carrots are a great vegetable,… Continue reading Carrot Mango Smoothie

My Workouts: Week of June 25. Heavy bodyweight emphasis

So this week I focused particularly on bodyweight movements.  I love my kettlebells, but the bodyweight movements are particularly good for mobility and relative, functional strength.  If someone can back squat 300 pounds but can’t keep his heels down or get past parallel with his thighs to actually fire the glutes when he does a… Continue reading My Workouts: Week of June 25. Heavy bodyweight emphasis

4th of July with the Crock-pot or Not

4th of July with the Crock-pot or Not Slow Cooker Days Praise the Lord for our freedom!  Thank you to the people who have sacrificed for our country that we may have our independence and religious freedom!  What a great day we celebrate on the Fourth of July and we are so quick in our… Continue reading 4th of July with the Crock-pot or Not

Homemade Astringent

Homemade Astringent-only two ingredients! Thrifty Thinking DIY Time It’s DIY Time again, where every week I try to post something you can do yourself rather than buy, which is a money saver, and can be VERY REWARDING.  Some of these posts are crafts, sewing projects, homemade cleaners, homemade health aids, tutorials, and the like. As… Continue reading Homemade Astringent