Kettlebell Snatches and a Simple Pushup/Squat Finisher

“Simple” doesn’t always mean “easy.”  Likewise, “hard” doesn’t necessarily mean “difficult.” Monday’s workout was simple, but not easy.   The snatch practice is starting to push me pretty well as I progress toward my goal of 100 snatches in five minutes or less.  Here’s what I did today… Workout: Seven rounds, one round per minute:… Continue reading Kettlebell Snatches and a Simple Pushup/Squat Finisher

Ellie’s Lemon Lime Smoothie Recipe

Want a different smoothie combination that strays from the tradition berry smoothie that might give you a little pucker?  Try Ellie’s Lemon Lime Smoothie! Our Ellie girl used to love smoothies.  Since we’ve been going crazy making them all of the time, she has become a bit less excited about them, so we asked her… Continue reading Ellie’s Lemon Lime Smoothie Recipe

Kettlebell Snatches and Turkish Get-ups

On Friday I continued to plug away toward my goal of completing 100 kettlebell snatches in 5 minutes with a 53# bell.  This time ’round I did seven snatches per side every minute for 8 minutes.  That’s 112 snatches in 8 minutes, and it felt pretty good. I chased the snatches with some Turkish get-ups.… Continue reading Kettlebell Snatches and Turkish Get-ups

Crock-Pot Pork Roast Recipe

Slow Cooker Saturdays The first food I ever cooked in the crock-pot was a roast about 12 years ago.  I loved coming home to the aroma of a warm meal after working out of the house all day.  More than that, I love the leftover meat that comes from the roast, all cooked and ready… Continue reading Crock-Pot Pork Roast Recipe