One of the most gratifying feelings in the world comes when you’re relaxing post-workout. You’ve made another stitch in your lifelong fitness tapestry and you can work or relax with a renewed satisfaction since you’ve exercised. Perhaps (hopefully!) you can relate. This satisfaction is even greater when you can know you’re burning fat while stooped… Continue reading How to Burn Fat While Watching TV
Monthly Menu Musings #15 & More
Our Twice a Month Menu Musings is changing to once a month. I think I think (yes, I meant to say it that way:) along those lines better since I find that I keep wanting to share what I did in the last two week and then what I am thinking for the next two… Continue reading Monthly Menu Musings #15 & More
Chocolate Chip Coconut Zucchini Breakfast Cookies
Chocolate Chip Coconut Zucchini Breakfast Cookies Here is a chocolate chip cookie that I would actually give my kids for breakfast. I am breaking my no chocolate before 2:00pm rule here. Okay, maybe I didn’t set this rule in stone, but there is something a little weird about having chocolate in the morning for me. … Continue reading Chocolate Chip Coconut Zucchini Breakfast Cookies
Grocery Prices to Meet or Beat #4
Well school’s almost in session here, so it’s time to update my semi-annual Whole Foods Grocery Prices to Meet or Beat. I am finding that every six months is a great time to update these prices since food prices fluctuate and are affected by a variety of issues like a bad crop, drought, a change… Continue reading Grocery Prices to Meet or Beat #4
Crock-pot Marinara Sauce
The first time I made a crock-pot marinara sauce I was so, so thrilled I couldn’t contain myself and made it two more times that week. I wanted to share with the whole world what I had just conquered (I guess I am doing that now:). I think I was so amazed because I actually… Continue reading Crock-pot Marinara Sauce