Healthified Lemon Blueberry Yogurt Bread

Lemon Blueberry Yogurt Bread Looking for an unique yet scrumptious bread recipe?  Something different than banana bread, zucchini bread or pumpkin bread? Here is something for your consideration. Lemon Blueberry Yogurt Bread! Don’t you think that lemon and blueberry sounds like such a wonderful pairing? The naturally sweetened blueberries temper the tart of the lemons and… Continue reading Healthified Lemon Blueberry Yogurt Bread

The Top Twelve Smoothies of the Year

Happy new year! We love making smoothies with whole foods!  When we started sharing our smoothie recipes, we didn’t think we were actually going to post a smoothie almost every week of the year, but we kind of fell into it and just went with it.  Drinking smoothies is such an efficient way of getting… Continue reading The Top Twelve Smoothies of the Year

12 Foods You Might Not Think to Make in the Crock-pot

**Crazy Crock-pot pictures updated 9/25/13. Slow Cooker Saturdays The slow cooker is truly a gift from God!  It allows you to multitask while it works at slowly heating and melding flavors together.  If I were to go through college again knowing what I know now, I would have used the crock-pot for almost all of… Continue reading 12 Foods You Might Not Think to Make in the Crock-pot

Our Favorite Bible Reading Plan

A Christian Culture...for Kids

Have you ever read the Bible in one year? Well, now’s a great time to be making plans for 2013, making decisions regarding your personal and spiritual disciplines. Reading the Bible in a year is a great discipline that is surprisingly manageable, yet relatively few Christians actually do it. Let me explain some of the… Continue reading Our Favorite Bible Reading Plan