Crock-pot White Chocolate Candy

Crock-pot White Chocolate Candies

This Crock-pot White Chocolate Candy is definitely the sweetest treat I’ve shared all year.  Warning: these candies are highly addictive. If you have one of these candies, you are bound to want another one. So proceed with caution. But once a year, it’s a special sweet treat and fun to have around…they won’t last, though.

Slow Cooker White Chocolate Peppermint Candies

Slow Cooker Days

Crock-pot White Chocolate Candies

I am an experimenter, plain and simple.  And when you experiment, some things turn out well the first time, and let’s just say some times things need tweaking.  In music my experimenting leads to many interesting harmonies and rhythms.  Some work out fabulously, and others, well, not really so much.  But it’s those times of trial and error that help shape and mold that thing into something wonderful, right? You just gotta keep persevering.

          Crock-pot  White Chocolate Candies

So this Thanksgiving I wanted to add just one more dessert to the bunch. I thought I’d just throw a bag of white chocolate chips in a crock-pot with a little coconut oil and some pecans, and then come back in an hour (after a nap) to some pourable, melted candy.  I was trying to take a nap before the big feast because I had gotten up so early that day and hadn’t slept long the night before.  I didn’t get much of a nap, and worse yet, I came downstairs an hour and a half later to a brown, stiff mess in my crock-pot.  Ugh!  I managed to smash the dark ridged mess into muffin liners, where they promptly molded into rocks. I do have to say they still tasted good despite their rough outward appearance. I knew I had a base from which to work.

White Chocolate Peppermint Candies

So the next time I made these, I determined not to burn them and to watch them with an eagle eye. Beauty!  Success!  These were melted and in the fridge in less than 30 minutes.

Slow Cooker White Chocolate Peppermint Candies

So why make candy in a crock-pot?  We don’t have a microwave now, and I am trying to reduce our reliance on it. Even though my first go at this was a failure (just don’t go to sleep on the job), the crock-pot does allow you to have more control of your outcome since it heats slower than a microwave or anything else for that matter.  I use a 2 quart crock-pot for this recipe.

My kids call the flat candies, ‘cookies’ because of their shape. These Crock-pot White Chocolate Candies would make a special sweet gift!

These are a bit healthier though since there are no GMOs, and are made with organic coconut oil and candy canes, right? I found some organic candy canes at our local Fred Meyer (a Kroger Store), so I thought they would make a nice little topping and add a festive flare.

Crock-pot White Chocolate Candy

Author Sonja


  • 2-10 ounce bags of white chocolate chips I use the Trader Joe's Brand which is non-GMO
  • 1 cup pecans
  • 2 T coconut oil
  • optional 2 candy canes, crushed (with a rolling pin in a plastic baggie)


  1. Place the white chocolate chips, pecans and coconut oil in the crock-pot and cover and cook on high for 10-15 minutes.
  2. If you are sprinkling candy cane dust onto the candies, chop it up now while you are waiting for you white chocolate to melt.
  3. Stir well, and then cover and cook again for another 10-15 minutes.This should do it, depending how hot your crock-pot runs.
  4. Stir well, and drop onto a parchment paper-lined cookie sheet or in muffin liners. I like to use muffin liners.
  5. Optional, sprinkle with candy cane dust.
  6. Refrigerate until hardened, about 30 minutes.
  7. Store in the refrigerator up to 2 weeks or in the freezer for 2 months.

For more crock-pot ideas, check out my Cookin’ with the Crock-pot Board on Pinterest.

Cookin' w the crock-pot Screen Shot

Have you ever made 3 Ingredient Peanut Butter Cups?

3 Ing Peanut Butter Cups

How about 2-3 Ingredient Nut Clusters?

3 Ingredient Chocolate Nut Clusters Collage


By Sonja

Sonja is a lover of the Lord, family, and friends. She digs DIY (especially re-purposing), fancies fitness, foods (whole), & fellowship. She is a thrifty thinker and jives with jazz. “Moreover, it is required of stewards that they be found faithful” (1 Corinthians 4:2 ESV). Thanks for visiting!


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