What Do You Do When You and Your Spouse Don’t Agree About Money?

Finance Thrifty Thinking Saving Money on Healthcare and Food

Do you and your spouse always agree about how to handle the finances? If you are like people in most marriages, a situation is bound to come up here and there when you don’t agree about finances. So what do you do when that happens? Do you have a knock ’em down, drag-it-out fight? Who “wins”? Or do you think about it as winning? Is there one better way over another to disagree?

Thrifty Thinking

Finance Thrifty Thinking

According to a July 12, 2013 article in the Huffington Post, Sonya Britt, a researcher from Kansas State University, states that how much a couple argues about money in the beginning of a marriage is the biggest indicator of the endurance of a marriage. Divorce and money troubles often go hand in hand. Money dissensions can bring MAJOR stress on a marriage, especially a young, fragile relationship where trust may be lacking.

So money talks need to happen WAY before a ring. I don’t think a majority of the parents of our generation are equipping their children well enough about how to handle money. Parents also need to be talking about what sort of characteristics to be looking for in a spouse, and how their children need to watch the way in which their potential mates handle money.

With our kids now we are constantly talking about stewardship of their God-given resources. We are always asking this question: “Is that a good decision?” That question is not only good to ask when talking about how to spend money, but it works for how we spend our time, how we treat each other, and much more!

At Stacy Makes Sense, I recently wrote a post about what to do when you and your spouse don’t agree about money. I share a personal story about what Jonathan and I did when we didn’t agree about having a loan for a car. You can go here to read about how Jonathan and I worked through the situation.

Ephesians 5:18-33.

What do you do when you disagree with your spouse about money? After writing the post, I am kinda thinking there needs to be a part 2. Maybe about the realities of submitting and that potentially taking you into deep debt if your spouse spends money wildly. What do you think?

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Sharing at Sew Darn Crafty, The Party Bunch, Thrifty Thursday, Simple Lives ThursdayWorks for Me Wednesday, Wise Woman Wednesday, Welcome Home WednesdayOne Project at a TimeTalent Show Tuesday, Homestead Barn Hop.

By Sonja

Sonja is a lover of the Lord, family, and friends. She digs DIY (especially re-purposing), fancies fitness, foods (whole), & fellowship. She is a thrifty thinker and jives with jazz. “Moreover, it is required of stewards that they be found faithful” (1 Corinthians 4:2 ESV). Thanks for visiting!


  1. First off, love the sight! I don’t think I have commented and said that yet. Whoops! 🙂 Looks very clean and lovley. Secondly… I just read your post about the car loan… Ian and I just had a conversation about our car loan LAST night! I eneded up having to appologize. But it was good. It’s hard. We were right where you guys were (me thinking NO and Ian thinking YES) hahaha. Money is such a hard thing for me to trust the Lord and Ian in. I am constantly confessing my disbelief. Very thankful for a patient God and a patient hubby. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks, Kim! Money talks can be hard, and good, and bring out sin, and give us opportunities for reconciliation, especially if we don’t see eye to eye with our spouse. Finances are a great place to trust the Lord in, too, although that can take tremendous faith at times! So glad to hear Ian is patient, and glad to trust in a patient God. You are welcome for sharing!

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