Salt, Sugar, Fat, The Big Food Cover-Up, and Our 2 Week Meal Plan #11

2 Week Meal Plan

2 Week Meal Plan

On February 26, 2013 and then again on June 18, 2013, Dr. Oz aired a show called The Big Food Cover-Up.  The show featured Pulitzer Prize winner and New York Times investigative reporter, Michael Moss, who exposed the dangers of contaminated meat which had penetrated the United States marketplace.  Moss then spent 2 1/2 years permeating the food industry and then authored the book Salt, Sugar, Fat to recount his findings.

Salt, Sugar, Fat endeavors to explain why as a nation we eat:

  • 6 pounds salt/year
  • 33 pounds cheese/year
  • 70 pounds of sugar/year

According to Moss, the companies create food, not where you would think they would; instead of making food in a kitchen, companies design food in a science lab, to make you addicted.  He interviewed scientists who worked the inner circles of the food industry, and he studied 81,000,000 (yes, eighty one million) pages of information including government documents and information from industry insiders.

Moss found that with the right combinations of salt, sugar, and fat, food becomes addictive.  Big companies capitalize on this information, knowingly risking the health of society.  Salt, sugar, and fat are needed for processed foods, making these foods irresistible, which ultimately brings in the profit for these processed food companies.

Interestingly, Dr. Oz. compared the brain scans of a cocaine addict with someone on salt, sugar, and fat.  When the two different brains were exposed to something calm, and unexciting, a mountain scene and a family tree, there was minimal brain activity.  But when these the two different brains were exposed to a picture of their cravings (drugs in the first case, and processed food in the second), the two brains were both stimulated and looked almost identical in dopamine (a precursor of adrenaline) levels, demonstrating the highly addictive effects salt, sugar, and fat can have.

Sounds like an interesting book, and I have it on reserve at the library now to dig a little deeper.

And now for our two week menu (this is a little late, so I’ve already made some of these things after a marathon baking time in the kitchen yesterday).

Meal Ideas:


One Big Cinnamon Roll Collage@



Easy Guacamole Recipe

Crock-pot Pork Roast


Crazy Fast Cake with Macadamia Nut Frosting

Do you menu plan?  What are you planning to make in the next couple of weeks?  I’d love to hear!!  See other menu plans here. Do you need some other culinary inspiration? Go here for the complete list of recipes.

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By Sonja

Sonja is a lover of the Lord, family, and friends. She digs DIY (especially re-purposing), fancies fitness, foods (whole), & fellowship. She is a thrifty thinker and jives with jazz. “Moreover, it is required of stewards that they be found faithful” (1 Corinthians 4:2 ESV). Thanks for visiting!


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